Lily Robert Foley
Éditeur :Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
Langue d'origine :anglais des Etats-Unis
Format :11,5 x 18,5 cm
Nombre de pages :176
Date de parution :13/10/2022
ISBN :9791024917136
Prix :13,00 €
Argumentaire :
“This book is nothing if it is not a kind of feminist manifesto (I hope). Much of the work here is about me trying to reconcile our shared feminism with my evolving into motherhood, a journey that sometimes represented some contradictions for me, but in the end turned out to be an enriching, complex layering of my feminism…”
Biographie ou Bibliographie de l'auteur :
Lily Robert-Foley is an Associate Professor of English in the South of France where she lives with her partner and two-year-old son. She is the author of Jiji (Omnia Vanitas Press, 2016), Money, Math and Measure (Essay Press chapbook series, 2016), m (Corrupt Press, 2013), and graphemachine (Xerolage, 2013). She also translates poetry and has released two book-length translations by Claude Ber and Sophie Loizeau, both as part of the To series. She is a member of Outranspo, an international group of experimental translators.