Nouveautés des éditeurs et des revues / 2020
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Claude Ber
Éditeur :Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
Langue d'origine :français
Format :11,5 x 18,5 cm
Nombre de pages :146
Date de parution :23/01/2020
ISBN :979-10-240-1261-2
Prix :13,00 €
Argumentaire :
Moltings tells us that “in everything breathes everything.” It opens on origin: dawn, as it relates to the wind; and ends under a full noon day sun, closing its work of clarity. This breath embodies original energy. In Asian traditions, life force, or energy, is the intelligence of the body in its first sense as what connects. It is the core of meditative practices and martial arts, which I know something about, but also exists in Western traditions. Inspiration, before becoming an old academic allegory, related to physical inspiration, to a physical, psychic and spiritual respiration, when the Greek pneuma and the Hebrew ruah indicated both breath and spirit. Moltings does not disassociate the two.
Biographie ou Bibliographie de l'auteur :
Claude Ber was born in Nice and lives in Paris. After double majoring in literature and philosophy and obtaining the agrégation de lettres, she has occupied teaching positions at the high school and university level within the French national education system. She has mainly published poetry, as well as two collections of conference papers and three plays performed on national stages. She is the recipient of the Ivan Goll international poetry prize. Much scholarly research has been devoted to her work, underlying the singularity of her approach.
Translated into several languages, Claude Ber has given many readings and conferences in France and abroad. She is also an activist working in women’s and human rights circles, and is decorated with the Legion of Honor for her work. Website: